Please reach out if you have a sense that this might be beneficial in your life and work. As someone who have used this technology since 2007 both personally and professionally, and who is an Official Representative, I am trained to answer all you questions and concerns as no cost to you, whether you decide to explore further or not after our initial interaction.”
When you experience performance anxiety, it is undigested experiences of fear from your past being triggered and replaying. It is not about just the present performance or audition, even though it FEELS like it is happening now. With NeurOptimal® non-linear, dynamical neurofeedback training, we can cue the brain to the fact that IT is generating its own suffering events, in this case fear of exposing ourselves to other humans. And since your brain is a highly sophisticated, complex adaptive, energy conserving system, it can learn to stop doing that because it is not forwarding its survival agenda. Your brain can learn to spend more time in the present moment and less time generating discomfort. And honestly, survival actually depends more on relaxation, since all true creativity and problem solving are done best in a tranquil state. This has always been known by the ancients! Panic and anxiety are not conducive to problem solving or artistic endeavor.
Most people live in some form of panic and do not know it. So any stress can send them over the top instantly. We can see this happening in the spectograph (second image below) in real time when we have sensors hooked up to the individuals cranium. In real time, we can see that they are, for instance, ruminating about the past or catastrophising about the future. We can see when they are generating the same exact thoughts that they generated yesterday. We can see when their system is relaxing or going into fight or flight.
With the particular non-linear, dynamical type of neurofeedback approach that I use with performing artists, we never push the brain to do what we feel is good for it as most the neurofeedback systems are designed to accomplish. We provide it information in real time about its energy expenditure, moment to moment, and this helps your brain to renormalize itself based on its innate intelligence, energy conservation, and survival capability. Performers begin to notice that they are less prone to be taken out by triggers and more able to remain present and deal with the situation moment to moment to moment be it auditioning performing or whatever is happening.

Brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Delta, Theta, and Gamma.

See what the various bands of brainwaves relate to in your life.
If you want more information, please reach out me with the contact form below.
Or go to for further info about NeurOptimal® Non-Linear Dynamical Neurofeedback. David Delaney is both an Advanced Trainer & Official Worldwide Representative for Zengar Institute of Canada, the maker of NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback Systems. I will educate and help you decide if this is something that might benefit your goals. Reach out below; I am happy to connect.
®NeurOptimal is a registered trademark of Zengar Institute. All rights reserved.